We got up after 6pm today, and it was a little brighter than the past couple of days. We had received a message from the travel concierge wanting to talk to us about something, and they didn't open up until 7:30, so we decided to get breakfast right at 7am. We still weren't quite at Tahaa yet, and we wondered exactly what we'd been doing all night, as it should have just taken a few hours to get to Tahaa from Bora Bora. As we got into the lagoon, we wondered if we were going to have problems with our tour, as the tour company indicated the pier was in the middle of Raiatea and Tahaa, and we weren't anywhere near the middle of the lagoon; instead we were on the far north end of Tahaa. At 7:30, Ruta indicated that she hadn't been able to get in contact with our tour agent yet, so couldn't re-confirm our trip. We gave her the phone number we had, and hoped for the best.
Just before the first tender left, Ruta told us that in fact we were right that they were expecting the boat in a different spot than we would be docking. She was hoping to arrange some sort of pick up and drop off that would work, however. So we decided to get on the first tender and see what happened. On the tour, however, Vahinerii told us that the tour company stated they wouldn't be coming to pick us up, but would refund what we'd paid. She asked if we wanted to go on the Tahaa tour that everyone on the tender was going on, but that didn't really interest us. We asked if the drift snorkel was available, but she told us that the drift snorkel people had already left. So we were "stuck" with having to hang out on the private motu with unlimited food and drinks all day. We took the tender right back to the ship. At the ship, they were loading the tenders up with materials for the motu, and it was extensive. There was an assembly line of folks moving soda, food, and even kegs down the gangway and onto the tender.
We were back on the ship around 9, and just hung out being lazy for a bit until leaving for the motu a little after 10. At the motu, they had beach chairs set up everywhere, a floating bar in the lagoon, a full bar on the beach, and a lot of stuff cooking that smelled excellent. It had been overcast, but not quite raining, all day, and it was also quite windy on one side of the motu, but it was more than nice enough to hang out for several hours. And that's exactly what we did. We grabbed several drinks, including a couple out of coconut shells. Then a little after noon, we ate from a fabulous buffet with hamburgers, hot dogs, brats, ribs, steaks, chicken legs, fish, and more. Justin even had seconds. Then, to work off all of our hard work, we sat in beach chairs and read, with Justin taking a nap. There was a tiny amount of shopping we did, but otherwise we just laid there and lounged all day.
We got back on the boat around 4 and went up to La Palette, then went to the pool area around 5 for a performance by Santa Rosa. The sunset was nice, as we left the lagoon and had nice views of Taha'a, Raiatea, and Bora Bora in the distance. It was quite windy, which obviously doesn't show up in the photos, but the 9th deck was as empty as we ever saw it, despite the nice sunset, because the wind was whipping. We passed by a nice resort, with our best guess being the Le Taha'a Resort, where Justin's parents stayed a while back. It looked like it would have nice views in every direction, particularly on days with better weather than what we had today.
After that we got cleaned up, then went back up to La Palette just after 6:30 for another Santa Rosa performance. When they wrapped up around 7:30, we went down to dinner, where Justin was having trouble staying awake. He surmised his body was putting all its energy into generating new skin cells for his back, and was only half joking. We did our best to stay awake until 9:30, when the performance by the ship's crew took place. There was a Charlie Chaplin impersonator, a couple singing performances, "Matrix" ping pong, Filipino dances (including the bamboo pole dance), and more. When that was done we went back up to the room and crashed.