Indian Ocean Islands 2022 - Socotra, Seychelles, Mauritius
29 April - Leaving Los Angeles
30 April - Arriving in Dubai
1 May - Dubai
2 May - Abu Dhabi to Socotra, Homhil Protected Area
3 May - Wadi Killisan, Arher Beach
4 May - Hoq Cave, Diksam Plateau
5 May - Degub Cave, Aomak Beach, Diksam Plateau
6 May - Detwah Lagoon, Abdullah's Cave
7 May - Shu'ab Beach, Detwah Lagoon
8 May - Dihamri Protected Area, Hadiboh
9 May - Socotra to Abu Dhabi, Dubai
10 May - Dubai to Seychelles, La Digue
11 May - La Digue
12 May - La Digue
13 May - La Digue to Praslin
14 May - Fond Ferdinand and Valle de Mai
15 May - Praslin
16 May - Cousin, Curiese, St Pierre Islands
17 May - Mahe
18 May - Seychelles to Mauritius, Chamarel
19-24 May - Shanti Maurice Hotel
25 May - Ebony Forest, Black River Gorges
26 May - Underwater Waterfall, Botanic Garden
27 May - Aux Benitiers and Crystal Rock
28 May - Leaving Mauritius
29 May - Arriving in Dubai and Los Angeles

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