18 May - Breakfast of Champions

Crystal slept in, but Justin was up just after 06:00.  He took the U3 and then the U4 to get over to Schönbrunn.  The place was empty.  It was his first time seeing leaves on all of the trees on the grounds behind the Palace.  It was a great hide and seek spot.  There were a decent amount of slugs out and about.  It was just them and runners out and about on the ground, plus a bunch of birds in the trees.  There were maybe a dozen people total by the Gloriette, including a father and son who were racing to the top. 

Justin slowly made his way down from the Gloriette to the Palace, stopping to check out the Neptune fountain and the flowers immediately behind the Palace.  He decided to walk off some of the Schaufele from last night, walking back towards the First District.  He went through Auer-Welsbach Park, which was full of dogs, and then along Mariahilfestrasse all the way until it hit the Burggarten.  The Burggarten had a bunch of people out enjoying the morning, and more dogs out for a walk.

We met at Bitzinger for breakfast at 09:15.  There was no one in line, which we couldn’t recall having seen before.  Crystal ordered a Kasekrainer mit brot, und weisswein.  Justin ordered a Kasekrainer, und Budweiser (the original one, from Czechia).  We were back at the hotel by 09:45, and didn’t quite know what to do.  Everything we’d wanted to do in our not-quite 24 hours in Vienna we’d already accomplished.  We checked out and stored our bags, then just sort of wandered around.  We walked northeast towards the river, then circled back around right by Josef Bar.  We stopped briefly in J&L Lobmyer to look at glassware we can’t afford, then walked over for a view of Karlskirche and the Opera House in the sun (or at least more sun that we were used to).  We walked back to the hotel via the Burggarten, which was now much more crowded, including with some tour groups.

We got back to the hotel just before 11:00 to grab our bags.  We walked over to Stephansplatz to get on the U3, and at Landstrasse we got on the S7 train to the airport.  We had a lengthy hang-up at security because of liquids in Crystal’s bag and far too few security agents making any real effort to handle things expeditiously.  But we still got to the lounge about 90 minutes before departure and 60 minutes before boarding.  Crystal was not feeling 100%, perhaps because of the breakfast Kasekrainer or perhaps because of accumulation of all the crap we ate and drank throughout our trip.

We boarded around 13:10.  The row in front of us had two kids immediately in front of us, and the row behind us the same.  Seemingly all 4 of them had severe ADD.  The window shade went up, then down.  The seatbelt got buckled, then unbuckled.  They stood up, they sat down.  The put the tray up, then pulled the tray down.  And the parents, in both cases, happily let the kids have the window and middle seats, chatting with each other across their respective aisles.  We commented that never in a million years would our parents have allowed us to sit right next to one another.  Crystal moved over one seat, in front of and behind the respective parents.  Justin bore the brunt, to the point one of the kids tried to pull down his window shade.

The flight took forever, but we survived.  In Tenerife, we re-upped our bus card – it’s free since we're residents, but once a month we need to reload it.  We took the bus to Santa Cruz, then connected to Puerto de la Cruz.  We got back a little before sunset, which this time of year is around 21:00.  We dropped our things, then went out to get a late dinner at La Griferia.  After being away from Spain and Spanish food for weeks, we each got a hamburger and a Gin & Tonic – go figure.  We’d had a great time, and our first group trip was a success, but it was nice to be home.

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